Artistic swimming routines are performed in front of three panels of five judges. Each panel scores one aspect of the routine. During technical routines, one panel scores execution, one scores impression, and one scores elements. During free routines, one panels scores execution, one scores artistic impression, and one scores difficulty.
To score a routine, each of the 15 judges uses a scale of 0.0 to 10.0 to grade his/her assigned aspect (0 being a “completely failed”, 10 being a “perfect” score).
Artistic swimming is one of the water sports at the Olympics. It has been a part of the summer games since 1984 and it is one of the toughest sports on the calendar. As the Tokyo Olympics 2020 is right ahead, here’s all of the major information about the rules and format you need to know about artistic swimming.
Artistic swimming was known as synchronized swimming earlier. The current name came into existence in 2017 and the sport has been known as Artistic Swimming ever since. 스포츠토토 However, the term ‘synchronized swimming’ is still vastly popular.
Before we dive in, it is essential to know that there is no men’s competition in artistic swimming. It purely involves female competitors taking part in two medals events up for offer. One is the “team event” and the other is the “duet” event.
This sport requires several talents. The first being strength to perform skill moves when underwater. It demands strength, precision, and years of practice.
Each competition, the team, and the duet have two heats. Both of them are performed to music, while one is a technical routine while the other is a free routine. The technical routine lasts no longer than 2minutes and 50 seconds, while the free routine can go upto three-four minutes.
Performing moves with artistic elements make it for an excellent visual treat and the swimmers are scored based on their routine’s difficulty, synchronization, execution, music, and overall presentation as the main factors.
Rules of the sport
Just like any other sport, artistic swimming comes with a set of guidelines. There are a few golden rules that the swimmers should always follow to avoid disqualification or a penalty.
The prominent rule of artistic swimming is that the competitors should not touch the bottom of the pool. They should keep themselves floating in the water as touching the ground and coming back up serves as an advantage.
While the sport is all about artistic moves that offer pleasing visuals, the swimmers are advised against wearing jewelry. Inaapropatie costumes and extraordinary make-up is banned too.
The swimmers should not be wearing goggles during any event.
Time management is an important part of the routine. The judges will award a penalty if the routine is 15 seconds fewer or longer.
The judges are stern when it comes to the execution of routine in team events. Points will be deducted if every person on the team is not used in every segment of the routine.